
Flexible debate timer app available for iOS and Android. This is a timer to use during high school debates and similar. There are separate timers for the different rounds of the debate. There are defaults set for 3 styles of debate: "Policy", "Public Forum", and "Lincoln-Douglas". The times are also editable. If you add the participant names by pressing the "Participant Names" button, the names will show up in the round when they are the main speaker.

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The home page of the app has radio buttons at the top to select the default times for the timer using 3 common debate styles. To track the speakers, click the "Participant Names" button. When you enter the names the speakers will be tracked and the names will show up for the appropriate round timers.

If you want to change the time for the round timers or prep time, click the "Edit Rounds" button. Time and round labels can be edited. Prep time is available after the first round when the round timer is paused. You can also go to the previous our next screen only when the round is paused. Buttons to add or subtract 10 seconds from the timers are present in case you forget to start a timer at the correct time.